Earlier this month, Arington Tree Farm hosted the
American Forest Foundation Board of Trustees. They met at the farm on July 9
for their Board meeting and afterwards, we gave them a “Taste of Wisconsin.” We
had a delicious spread of Wisconsin cheese and beer waiting for them when they
returned from a farm tour, while Chef (and Joe’s son-in-law) Joel Chesebro cooked up a delicious feast of chicken, pulled pork, salads and cherry pie –
Fresh Wisconsin cheese. |
AFF Board members taking in the view of Arksarben Pond. |
Chef Joel Chesebro making final preparations. |
Brief introductions before dinner. |
AFF Board of Trustees enjoying a "Taste of Wisconsin" in Husker Barn. |
ALF Executive Director Buddy Huffaker, Door County cherry pie and a cold Wisconsin brew. |
Chef Joel Chesebro and Joe Arington.
The next day their meeting took them to the Aldo Leopold Foundation near Baraboo. We had hoped to serve them dinner out in the woods next to the Leopold Shack, but the severe drought and heat foiled our plans. Instead, we set up inside the beautiful Foundation. Chef Joel worked his magic again, creating a six-course dinner complete with wine pairings. It was an evening to remember!
Menus were printed on cherry wood. |
Arik manning the grill. |
Chef Joel Chesebro preparing "grilled cheese croutons" for sungold soup. |
We rented mason jars, driftwood and chairs from A La Crate in Madison - a great vintage rental company! |
Fountain Prairie 21-Day Dry Aged Rib Eyes. |
Roasted beet, chevre and black walnut salads. |
Fresh morels from Arington Tree Farm. |
AFF Board members enjoying a break between courses. |
Cheese course. |
A beautiful night at the Aldo Leopold Foundation. |
Arington Tree Farm is a member of the Aldo Leopold Foundation and Joe serves on the American Forest Foundation Operating Committee. These are two groups that ATF is proud to be a partner of, as their approach to land ethics mirrors what we are trying to accomplish here. It was an honor to host this group and we hope they enjoyed their time in Wisconsin!
What a dеlightful blеnd of businеss and plеasurе at thе Arington Trее Farm! Thе Amеrican Forеst Foundation Board of Trustееs had a fruitful mееting on July 9, followеd by a truе Tastе of Wisconsin. From thе farm tour to thе mouthwatеring sprеad of chееsе, bееr, and Chеf Joеl Chеsеbro's culinary crеations, it was an unforgеttablе еxpеriеncе. Thе only thing missing? Somеonе to say, make my essay for me sеntimеnt еchoing thе joy of this uniquе gathеring!