Monday, December 8, 2014

Putting Walbridge to Work

We had another successful visit with Walbridge, our partnership school, on Friday.  We lucked out with the warmest day of the week.  A whopping 34 degrees!  No one had to worry about getting cold. We had plenty for them to do to keep warm.

We started the day cleaning up their woods.  The kids hauled brush to a bonfire, and cut-up trees to the tool cat so it could be used for wood.  All the kids chipped in to help and were able to accomplish a lot.  They displayed great teamwork and everyone worked hard. Way to go kids!

We spent the second half of the day building Aldo Leopold benches.  The kids broke up into 3 groups and made three benches to take back to their school with them.

Each of the students signed the back of the bench they helped build.

We finished the day with a reading by one of the teachers from the Sand County Almanac written by Aldo Leopold, and some play time outside.  It was a great day of fun, friendship and hard work.

We are so thankful for our partnership with the Walbridge students and teachers.  We look forward to another visit with you all this spring. Thanks for visiting!


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  2. A cordless model is less fiddly than one with a cord. You won't need to worry about straying too far from the power source, or unsnagging cords from ladders or foliage.

  3. Wow.. Amazing creation and is looks like a hard but interesting challenge.
