Friday, January 4, 2013

Introducing the... "Name that Pond" Contest!

The contest has been extended a week! Get your submissions in to win!

As mentioned, we're working with a couple pond experts to do some work to two of the ponds on Arington Tree Farm:
Aerial view of ponds at Arington Tree Farm.
·         “Pond A” is the largest pond on the farm and was dug about 15 years ago. It is spring-fed and during the spring, Canada geese love to raise their young here. Our plan is to make it bigger and deeper, install aerators to keep the water oxygenated and eventually stock it with fish (maybe saugeyes?)
Partial view of Pond A

·        "Pond B" is a smaller, more hidden pond on the farm. Nearly entirely surrounded by trees and brush, ducks like hanging out in this spring-fed pond. Our plans for this pond are less intensive but include creating better access for more wildlife viewing and perhaps a canoe "ramp" for easy in/out.
Partial view of Pond B
Pond experts Richard Wedepohl and David Marshall are helping us develop a written plan of action for the ponds. They were out earlier this week to do some preliminary data collection and will be back in February to test the water depths, temperature and quality.

In the meantime, Pond A and Pond B are no proper names for these ponds. We want your help in figuring out what to call them! Introducing the... 

“Name that Pond Contest!”

 Grand Prize (2): $25 gift card to Camrock CafĂ©, Cambridge

Enter your name ideas for Pond A and Pond B by posting a comment below or by emailing me. You can enter as many names as you like!

Deadline is 8:30 AM Central Standard Time on Friday, January 18, 2013 Friday, January 25. Later that day, the Judging Panel will convene to vote on the best name submissions for the two ponds.

Judging panel includes Joe, Rachel, Gaea, Arik and myself. Winners will be notified via email and the winning names will be posted in an upcoming blog post and on our Facebook page.

Submit your name ideas today!


  1. Pond A Flying Goose Pond. (looks like an abstract goose flying) Pond B Tranquility Pond.

  2. Here are our suggestions :)
    A= Halftime, meaning a place to take a break/rest. Or, a good compliment to Husker Road :)
    B= Swill Pond. Swill is when a drink is taken. ie; animals

    The Goff's

  3. Thanks Kendra and Goffs! We also got some submissions via email. Will announce the winner next week!

  4. I love that you are getting help from pond experts to improve these ponds.
