Saturday, June 23, 2012

Busy beaver indeed!

Mud Creek meanders lazily through Arington Tree Farm. The northern third of the property is accessible by crossing a ford built on Mud Creek. About two weeks ago we noticed the water levels raising at the ford. We sent Jeremy on a scouting mission dressed in hip waders. Two hundred yards downstream of the ford he found the dam. The water level in the picture is fifteen inches higher upstream of the dam. Industrious creatures, those beavers.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what an interesting thought! The concept of a busy beaver undoubtedly reflects the hustle and bustle of our daily life. It's exciting to think about how much productivity and efficiency may be accomplished. This conversation reminds me of some intriguing connections I discovered in my mba dissertation help. about optimization methodologies and their application in real-world circumstances.
